I,I,I Just Wanna & Torn (2)

Frontal installation view at P////AKT foundation

Stretched glass, steel wire, rvs    
179 x 400 cm

Photos: Alina Setjowikarto

Metal, glass
185 x 3 cm

I, I, I Just Wanna and Torn (2) are site-specific works that took part in group show ’The Rope Should be Taut and Not Dangling Down By The Lion Cage’.

Stretched glass hanging over steel wire—that wants you 
to come closer and simultaneously makes you bite your teeth as to its vulnerable and undefined nature. 
Next to Torn (2) that appears to be strong, confident and well-defined until you look closely.
Or maybe it’s the other way around?

A powerplay between hard, soft, heavy, light, push, pull, attraction, repulsion, tension, release and entanglement.